• The Zoroastrian Ethic Spirit of Modernity.
    Bombay Parsi Punchayet,  Business,  Enlightenment,  Religion

    We’re All Spiritual Beings

    Everyone has a Spirit

    We’ve been seeing far more often people saying that spirits don’t exist. They also say that knowing whether they exist or not won’t do anything to help us. I beg to differ this. There are spirits within everyone and everyone is actually a spirit. We’re all here to live the best life we possibly can while letting off the best energy we possibly can. There’s no real way to get this done and do it right rather than knowing that you’re a spirit connecting with other spirits. A lot of us decide that we should stop learning about this stuff when we get to a certain age or confidence in ourselves.

    The point is that everyone should be understanding that we all have good within us and we have pure souls. The things we do to spoil the purity are all sins that we can’t justify. All sins are made up of selfish acts without considering other people or the impact it has to the connection of other people in the universe. The only reason Angel Street doesn’t exist is because of all the momentum of selfish acts throughout the universe. Otherwise, we’d all be righteous beings and that simply doesn’t seem possible. But what is possible is the fact that we can all be together in harmony for the most part. And getting in touch with your soul will get us closer to that point in human existence.